Introducing Two Special Holiday Collections for 2008...

Modern Holiday Collection 


 Vintage Holiday Collection

Click on the cards to view more samples.


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Family Photography|South Haven, Michigan 

Now booking a limited number of family sessions for September/October in the South Haven area.



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A little break

Just taking a quick break from editing to share a Hunter & Lily Kate pic...

Sometimes, when the session is for close friends or family, Hunter and Lily Kate get to tag along.  They watch a movie in the (air conditioned) truck, eat some snacks, or find some other way to entertain themselves.  And sometimes, after the session, I'm able to sneak in a few shots of them! 



Baby Hunter ~ 3 mos

Little Hunter has grown and changed so much since his newborn session!  We were so close to getting a sitting shot, but he just wasn't quite ready yet.  However, we did get this great roll!





 ***If you are interested in the details of my first year Baby Plan (newborn, 3 mos, 6 mos, 9 mos & 12 mos), send me a message or give me a call!  870-949-0540 ***


A Great Family

This was a super huge session packed down into exactly one hour.  We worked so fast that I had no idea that I had shot 400+ frames.  Of course, with groups of kids I always shoot a lot, but this was probably a bit more that usual.  We got a bunch of great ones, these are just a few...














One little peek

I'm having trouble picking the images for the blog tonight.  Since its getting late, I'm posting just a little peek of these adorable kids.  The rest will have to wait until tomorrow.  :)


Brock ~ 10 days old

Sweet baby Brock, what a beautiful gift to this family!