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Modern Holiday Collection 


 Vintage Holiday Collection

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Family Photography|South Haven, Michigan 

Now booking a limited number of family sessions for September/October in the South Haven area.



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Chloe ~ 3 mos

Our dear friends, The Bevans, are on their way to South Korea...for 3 whole years!  Its a wonderful, amazing, once-in-a-lifetime oppotunity, but we sure are going to miss them!  Thank goodness for Skype, Facebook and (hopefully) frequent visits! 

I don't know how Erin managed to fit pictures in before they left, but I sure am glad they did.  These are Chloe's 3 month pics and hopefully we'll be able to catch her again at Christmas time when she's about 6 months.

(Chloe was sound asleep for all of the family pics...)







Chloe's mom, Erin, has a new blog that chronicles their South Korean adventures.  Her computer somehow didn't get in with the air shipment, but she promised to update the site as soon as she can.  In the meantime, she has several posts that are all about the pure chaos leading up to their move. 


New Rides ~ Day One

Hunter has officially graduated from TRAINING WHEELS!  We made a little trip to River City Cycling in Shreveport to get his very first "real" bike!  (I think this was more exciting for Mom & Dad given how much we love cycling!) 


Hunter got a Trek Jet 20  & LK got a KaZAM Balance Bike (in pink, of course!)


The Trek has a bit of "room-to-grow", but Hunter was handling it like a champ!  




DAY ONE ended with quite a few crashes in the grass, but I know he'll be off and riding before we know it. 

Instead of a trike, we opted for this super-cool Balance Bike!  We had never even heard of these before today, but they totally make sense.  They are all about learning the balance part before worrying about the pedaling.  Lily loves it, but I think she was diggin' the new helmet even more :)





Sweet Austin...




Landry ~ Magnolia High Senior 2011

All these Seniors and a bit cooler weather...its definitely starting to feel like fall!  



I love it that the sisters got to come along...






Gretchen ~ Columbia Christian Senior 2011

Here's Gretchen...she's another Senior at Columbia Christian.  She rocked out her session at a burned-out old country store and a field with amazing light, horses, cows and a row of old VW's! I'm loving the seniors this year!  These girls are just so much fun!