Introducing Two Special Holiday Collections for 2008...

Modern Holiday Collection 


 Vintage Holiday Collection

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Family Photography|South Haven, Michigan 

Now booking a limited number of family sessions for September/October in the South Haven area.



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I <3 my iPhone

Its no secret that my iPhone ranks close second to my family as one of the loves of my life (wink, wink).  Earlier this week I dropped it, in the worst sort of way, face down, onto pavement.  It took me a second to even pick it up.  I think my heart may've skipped a beat.  The screen was shattered, GULP!  My mind immediately jumped to how I was going to replace it.  After a quick trip to the AT&T store, I realized my options were limited and were all SUPER expensive....UNTIL, I got the name of a computer guy in Camden that replaces the screens!  :)  Wooo-hooo! There was a chance that it might be fixable!  A short trip and only a few $$ later and I was back  in business with my precious iPhone!

(Sidenote...If you need the name of the guy who fixed my phone, message me!  He says he replaces 2-3 per day!)

The sad, sad part of this story is that I had just hit the buy button for this little baby the day before the "incident"!


My phone is good as new and its now protected in this SUPER-SWEET case from GET UNCOMMON (Image used on the case is by TwoSuez). 

If you would like a custom case with a picture from your session, just let me know!  I would be happy to design it for you and make sure it will fit in the Get Uncommon template (some images require a bit of photoshop work to make them fit right).  The cases are only for iPhones and the iPhone 4 case should be released soon.



Karley & Kirbey

Two cute girls and a beautiful summer evening.  Life is good.













Anna Claire ~ 1yr

Hello Birthday Girl!










Sweet, sweet family!  We got rained out during the first session but the make-up day was beautiful! 


Married in Vegas

There's a special place in my heart for couples that get married in Vegas.  (Dru and I got married at the Little Church of the West 10 years ago!)  Heather and Chase got hitched at the beginning of the summer and I had the honor of photographing their reception here in Magnolia.

There wasn't much time for portraits, but we managed to get just a few. 




They also had some great pictures from their ceremony that they shared with all of the guests.




Lots to blog about

Don't worry, I'm still here.  The blog has definitely taken a back seat to our summer schedule, but not to worry, I have lots to share.  I plan on catching you up on everything in the next couple of days.

First up, another birthday boy...SPENCE!  He's 1 year old!!!!