New Rides ~ Day One

Hunter has officially graduated from TRAINING WHEELS! We made a little trip to River City Cycling in Shreveport to get his very first "real" bike! (I think this was more exciting for Mom & Dad given how much we love cycling!)
Hunter got a Trek Jet 20 & LK got a KaZAM Balance Bike (in pink, of course!)
The Trek has a bit of "room-to-grow", but Hunter was handling it like a champ!
DAY ONE ended with quite a few crashes in the grass, but I know he'll be off and riding before we know it.
Instead of a trike, we opted for this super-cool Balance Bike! We had never even heard of these before today, but they totally make sense. They are all about learning the balance part before worrying about the pedaling. Lily loves it, but I think she was diggin' the new helmet even more :)
Reader Comments (3)
Awesome pics, Janet!
What a big boy and girl!!! Oh, Janet, they're growing up too fast!
Love the look of concentration on both Dad and Hunter's faces. :)