Family Photography|South Haven, Michigan
Now booking a limited number of family sessions for September/October in the South Haven area.
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Entries by Janet Manuel (364)
Baby Jax ~ 4 weeks
Meet baby Jaxton, 4 weeks old. He was a dream. He slept, and slept and slept.
Just look at that sweet face...
...and perfect little ear...
...tiny fingers...
...and ten little piggies!
Daileen, 7 years old
I had the pleasure of meeting this sweet seven year old over the holidays. The shoot was focused on her, but we managed to sneak in a couple of family pics too. It just warmed my heart to see this family together at Christmas time.
Knox turns 1
Mixing in the old with the new...Little Knox's birthday was a couple of months ago. This was a short studio session with cake-smash at the end.
(We may, or may not, of been bribing him with goldfish to stay in one place! Haha!)