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Family Photography|South Haven, Michigan 

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I love flowers.  However, most of the flower pictures I come across are usually pretty boring.  I hope these don't fall into that category.  I think that a change in perspective, and some creative depth of field makes all the difference.  (Speaking of creative, I wish I could've been at least a little creative with the title of this post, but I just couldn't think of anything clever.)

None of these have a whole-lotta processing applied to them...mainly I just added a bit of curve in PS.  The dreaminess comes from my favorite little buddy...the 50mm 1.4. 

Its amazing what this little lens can do for a bunch of weeds!

Same exact flowers...different view...and maybe a new bug...

What do you think?  If you tell me that they are still just boring ole flowers, it'll just make me try harder next time.  Got any tips that you use for taking flower pictures?  I would love to hear'em.


Baby Amelia

This is my newest niece, Amelia.  She is 4 months old, but is still just a tiny little thing.

She was a Gustav evacuee last week, along with her big sis, two brothers, and mommy.  They were staying in Shreveport, but we got to visit a couple of times, and even found a few minutes to take some pictures.  I'm so glad we did, isn't she a little doll?

Here is a snapshot of Amelia with her brothers and sister...


So much to blog...

I wanted to post this Labor Day weekend, but Gustav came ashore and changed my plans, along with almost everyone else's on the Gulf Coast.  I lost my internet for a couple of days, but most of my friends and family in Louisiana are still without power.  I am definitely not complaining. 

Anyway...I totally got hooked on this blogging-thing this summer.  I've had so much fun sharing pictures and special moments in our family.  The summer went by so fast and there were many things that I intended on posting, but just never had the time. So, this entry is dedicated to catching up. 

#1  This was in the beginning of the summer.  Hunter was playing at his friend's house and discovered her trunk of princess dresses!  Isn't he beautiful?  (Really, sometimes I think he is way too pretty to be a boy.)

These were captured with my cell phone cam...

Confession: Really all he wanted were the wings.  He thought that they were the coolest thing ever.  Of course, the wings only attach to the dress.  No problem for a 3 yo!

Now he is fully into the role...uumm, son, this one doesn't even have wings...please tell your Daddy that you still have your camo shorts on under that dress...

Hunter has had a bit of a princess fettish ever since this day.  :)

#2 Swim Lessons

Hunter got to take his first official swim lessons this summer.  He went with Olivia and they had a great time...they both did so well! Jump, Hunter Jump!

The unhappy faces were because they didn't want to leave the pool...

#3  Somewhere along the way, Hunter decided he might actually like his lil sis...

(It only took 6 months!)


#4 Backyard Pool Action...Thanks Paw Paw and Grammy for the Super-Fun Pool.

(Yes, Lily is naked...and, yes, that's a rubber chicken she is holding.)

#5 Fun at the Magnolia Country Club

Alex, chillin' in the pool.

Golf with Mr. Greg...

I think these two might be ready for Goofy Golf.

That's enough catching up for today.  I have more, but am out of time.  The kiddos are screaming for dinner.


My Assistant for the Day

These were taken during my last bridal session by My-Assistant-For-the-Day, Alyssa.  Aren't they great?  Alyssa is headed to LA Tech to study photography.  She has been shooting film, but for these she borrowed my old dSLR.  I think she has a great eye and a whole-lotta potential!  What do you think?

Here is one she caught of me...

And one I shot of her...

Good luck Alyssa!  I hope you'll help me out again when you are home from school.  Hunter & Lily are going to miss you.


Magnolia Visit

Aren't these kids adorable?  Big brother is three, and the cutie-pie twin girls are one and a half.  So much fun, but what a challenge! The kids were great...the challenging part was the HEAT and the bright, bright sun.  But, this family was only in town for a couple of days, and I was on my way out of town, so we made the best of it. 

Here is the preview.  Let me know what you think!

Now for the hard part...all the kids together in one picture...

Bree - I hope you don't hate me for posting this one...but its just so darn cute and so real!  Did somebody say drinks at Sonic???

I'll have your gallery up very soon.  Thank you for being so patient while I get caught up!  It was so good to see y'all.