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Modern Holiday Collection 


 Vintage Holiday Collection

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Family Photography|South Haven, Michigan 

Now booking a limited number of family sessions for September/October in the South Haven area.



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I love 3 yr olds!

I love this age...I guess its because Hunter is 3 and its easy for me to relate to children that are same age.  Or - maybe - its that 3 yos are just on the verge of being "big kids", and they know it.  They are so much fun.

These were taken on the day that Hurricane Ike was passing over N La/S Ar.  We didn't get much rain, but we did get a lot of wind.  Audree was great, and I could tell that she has grown up in the months since we did her last pictures.  She is such a cutie...all we had to do was promise that she could come play with Hunter if she would be good for just a few more!


Lily's Obsession

My poor Lily has a problem...she is obsessed with teenie, tiny baby girl shoes.  Every time she sees a pair, she says "Mommy - please, please, please - can I have them?"...and I just can't resist.  After all, I'd be such a bad Mommy if I denied my daughter of such a simple pleasure, right? 

These little boots are our latest find.

Maybe now that the weather is getting cooler, my usually barefoot baby will get to wear some of her many, many pairs of shoes. 


The Fun Begins

The days of Hunter's toys being safe on the train table are gone forever!

The Fun Begins from Janet Manuel on Vimeo.

Thanks Misty - for giving me the bug to get "The Flip" and for the tips on posting video clips!


Little Kitty

Well, since I introduced Jonah & Skye the other day, I decided to include our newest family member on the blog too.  Meet "Little Kitty".  This little guy adopted us a couple of months ago.  He started out being very wild and scared, but decided that our back deck was where he wanted to call home.  At this point, I don't think we could get rid of him even if we tried. 

Dru is in charge of feeding our animals (since I'm the one that typically feeds the kids, I think this is fair), so Little Kitty has started to warm up to him in the last couple of weeks.  Dru got to pet him just a couple of days ago, and LK (Little Kitty, not Lily Kate, this could get confusing!) decided maybe it wasn't so bad!

Oh-so-fierce! (Not really, he's just yawning!)


Not the smartest horses in the pasture

Meet Jonah & Skye...

I have tried and tried to get some fun, interesting, cool, etc., pics of these guys.  The problem is that as soon as they see me coming, this is what happens...

Skye may be ignoring me today, but it doesn't matter, because here comes Jonah...

He is going to make sure that there isn't any way that I could possibly think about getting a shot of Skye (who is cooperating nicely in the background by pretending that I don't exist).

Hey there sweetie!  I do love your warm, soft nose.  No, please don't try to eat my camera!