Introducing Two Special Holiday Collections for 2008...

Modern Holiday Collection 


 Vintage Holiday Collection

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Family Photography|South Haven, Michigan 

Now booking a limited number of family sessions for September/October in the South Haven area.



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The Williams Family

I am slowly getting caught up!  Having to leave town unexpectedly took its toll, but I am determined to dig my way out.  Only a few more portrait sessions and the CCS pics to go...gotta get'em done before the Mini Sessions on Saturday!!!

This was a great session with a super-fun family.  These boys were so cute, and I especially loved it when the dinosaurs came out!









This is Mitch...6 yo...such the little man.  So cute and so grown-up!  He picked out these outfits himself!



 He was such the little sweetheart with his Mom...

 I hope you like your pictures...and that I didn't embarrass you too much! :)




A Quick Share...

Here is a picture I caught of LK this she was learning the word BLUE.



Good Things Come in Three's...

In this case, they do come in three's...

Check out these tiny little fold-out albums.  They are custom designed and come in a set of three.  Perfect for gifts and for keeping one for yourself.  At 3x3, they are about the same size as a post-it note so you can keep one with you at all times.  (Way cooler than ragged-out wallets!)


Nana, yours is on the way! 



Sleepy Baby "P"

This little sweet girl is 4 wks old, but b/c she was 5 weeks early she is still smaller than either one of my babies when they were born!  She was a sleepy girl and cooperated so well for these pictures. 


See, still sleeping! 

Although I'm tending to prefer the newborn pictures in b/w, this one just isn't the same when you can't see the green glow of the paci!  (Gotta keep it real!)

We had to work to get this awake shot...she was pretty determined to sleep! 


***Just a little side favorite blog, Pioneer Woman, won Best Food Weblog, Best Designed Weblog, and Best Overall Weblog at the Bloggies this year. Go Ree!***