Introducing Two Special Holiday Collections for 2008...

Modern Holiday Collection 


 Vintage Holiday Collection

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Family Photography|South Haven, Michigan 

Now booking a limited number of family sessions for September/October in the South Haven area.



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Hot Mama...Kristie!

Here's another super-fun, "super-hot mama" (and it has nothing to do with the 100 degree temps)!


This shot was a special request, and I just love how it came out!  The light was perfect for it.

 Speaking of beautiful light...


I can't wait to meet baby "R" in August! 


Baby A...

Baby A is about 6 (maybe 7) months old and sitting like a pro.  This might be my favorite age to photograph!  Big enough to laugh and interact but still not mobile...perfect!

Look at this little cutie...

See, she knows it...even her paci says it!





So, So HOT!

Summer is officially here, and so is the 100 degree heat.  This was a photo-op I just couldn't miss out on, even though it was so bright the kids could barely keep their eyes open! 

Poor LK missed out on the picture fun with the cousins :(  We'll get her in there next time.



I can't wait until my other sister comes to visit in a couple of weeks.  Then we will have all 9 cousins together!  That group shot will be the ultimate challenge!!! 


Birthday Boy

We did birthday cake in the studio with this little guy on Baby Day, but we also did a little add-on session outside too.  Here's a little peek at our fun with an old tractor and a field...



H&LK, More Summer ♥♥♥

No fancy toys required...