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Hot Mama...Kristie!

Here's another super-fun, "super-hot mama" (and it has nothing to do with the 100 degree temps)!


This shot was a special request, and I just love how it came out!  The light was perfect for it.

 Speaking of beautiful light...


I can't wait to meet baby "R" in August! 

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Reader Comments (3)

I love the picture with the reflection in the water! It's great.

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkatie

You do such a great job, and WOW I look a lot BIGGER in pictures lol!

June 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKristie

Kristie's pictures turned out great! I can't wait to see more! The picture with the reflection in the pond is AWESOME...even though I know Kristie was terrified to be "on the other side of the pond"! Love the pics!!

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa

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