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What camera should I get?

I've gotten this question quite a bit lately.  Mostly from Moms who are dissapointed with the shutter delay...want to get better snapshots of their kids...and want to experiment with getting more creative with their photography.  For those Moms (& Dads), I recommend upgrading from their point-and-shoots (P/S) to a dSLR (aka big fancy camera).

Before I get too far into this post, I just want to say that I still own 2 P/S cameras.  I use my iphone camera like crazy, and I love my little FLIP for short videos.  The thing is, if you don't have your camera with you, you can't get the picture.  The small size of the P/S is their biggest won't be slipping a dSLR into your pocket!

Ok...for all of you out there who are thinking about buying a "real" camera, here is an AWESOME LINK to an easy to read write-up about the best entry-level dSLRs. 

If you're wondering what I shoot with...I have a Canon 5D as my main camera, a Canon 40D as my back-up, and an old NIKON D70 as a camera to play around with and {someday} for Hunter to learn with.

If you are on a limited budget, I recommend checking out ADORAMA-Used and Ebay for some great deals on older for an old Canon Rebel, Canon 40D or Nikon D80.  I'm sure there are other great ones out there, but that's just a start.

AND, here's my random picture to go with this post...a little preview of tomorrow's activities...Hunter in his T-ball uniform!


 50mm, f/2.8, 1/500, ISO 400

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Reader Comments (1)

Thanks for this post. I've always wanted to ask just never have. Thanks

April 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany

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