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The [b]ecker!

Last week one of my all-time favorite photographers, [b]ecker, came to Little Rock to give a workshop.  When I heard about it through the [b]school, I knew I had to go!  It was an amazing day of inspiration and learning.  I'm sure it will take me awhile to process and apply everything from the class.

As a bonus, I got to meet some great photographers from the region.  Hopefully, ones I will stay connected with as we all develop our businesses.

Most of the workshop was in the classroom, but we did get to tag along on a quick shoot at the end of the day.  



 My one and only chance to get a pic with [b]...too bad I was having a seriously bad hair day!!! :)



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Reader Comments (3)

You look great as always, Janet!! You are sooooo hard on yourself!

September 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJanina

that's so cool!!!!!!!!........although i must admit,,,,,a LOT of his stuff FREAKS me

September 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterstacy

So glad you got to experience the workshop! Your work just keeps getting better and better!

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJane

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