June Baby Day - Part II

Part II...More babies...so much fun!
This was the littlest guy of the day. He was so teeny-tiny! Can you tell by his face that he is looking at his Momma? How can you not? The look in his eyes is just so sweet, so simple, so pure...
This little man was our biggest of the day...at 15 months he was a bit hard to contain in the studio!
And this is my neice, Sarah, who we worked in for a Mini-Mini-Session (about 15 minutes)! But, when this big smile...
turns into this...
you better watch out because this is not far behind...
...and with that, the session was over. OMGoodness, somebody pulll-leeease pick up that poor, poor baby!
Reader Comments (7)
Love, Love, Love IT!! That's so awesome.
Love the Sarah photos! She's such a cutie!
So, just in case you forgot...I have a baby. :) They're all precious! I love the series of photos you posted of Sarah.
Love the documenting of the mood changing on a dime. If I were her Mommy I would definitely have that on a story board. Great capturing!!
that baby boy is adorable!! so tiny!
Love the big guy's eyes. He looks like such a happy boy. And soooo cute!
LOL!! Love the picture of your niece. That is so funny....she's too adorable!!!