My Little so, so BIG!

Today was one of those know, when you wake up in the morning and it seems like your child has grown during the night.
My boy was not this big when I put him to bed last night!
Reader Comments (5)
I luv it this one of Hunter! It's my fave of him!!!! He's look like an angel. (of course, I know better)
So handsome. It's the hair that makes him look so grown up! Perfect "Hunter" face in this pic. Love it!
I do believe he is becoming a young man! So grown up, and I agree it is the hair!
OMG! He is soooo much bigger than I when I saw him last time. What a ham!
You mean when he was throwing rocks off a certain balcony???? Oh, I'm sure he's not too big to still do that!! ;)