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A Passion for Flowers

Besides photography, gardening (specifically flowers) is my other big hobby.  Although I haven't had time for the garden this year (I've been busy chasing Lily!), DH made up for it all in one weekend.  He spent all last weekend mowing, weeding, and...planting!!!  He did all of the work, and it inspired me to take a few pictures.  Here is my favorite.


***Just by coincidence, I ran across this Image of the Week as I was checking out some other blogs.  Another passion vine, a slightly different perspective.  I followed the link to check out CandreK, what I found was new inspiration.  I love these images!

And one more...flwr-2sm.jpg

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Reader Comments (3)

Those are awesome! I looked at the CandreK site and he's amazing. When you start taking pics like that (and yours will be JUST as good), I'm gonna pair you with my friend who is an amazing graphic design artist and y'all can make some greeting cards, invitations, etc...

July 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAshley

Your love of flowers is showing, is that a passion vine from

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterces


September 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermarie

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