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Playground Pics

We took the kids to the playground today after "school" are a few pics.

I'm not sure how Olivia felt about the Merry-Go-Round, what do you think?

Hunter may have been a bit more enthused...

Could life get any better for this little man?

Oh, sweet Lily, it'll only be a few more months before you are running around the playground too!

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Reader Comments (3)

I'm not seeing the problem, Janet. Must just be your computer. Have a great time at the conference!

October 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMom

My Gosh! She is growing and changing by leaps and bounds! I swear she looks so different since I last saw her. What a pretty big girl.

October 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterces

The pic. of Hunter is awesome!

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

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