Introducing Two Special Holiday Collections for 2008...

Modern Holiday Collection 


 Vintage Holiday Collection

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Family Photography|South Haven, Michigan 

Now booking a limited number of family sessions for September/October in the South Haven area.



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Belongs in "Whoville"????

Meet little EE...she is about 18 months old, LOVES raisins, and is lightening fast!  She is my cousin's little girl, so does that make her my second cousin???  I took H & L up to St. Louis this weekend to visit and we found a few minutes for some pictures.  (How could I resist taking pictures of this cutie-pie?)

My blogging friend Randi beat me to the Whoville post, but the little Who's in the Grinch movie are exactly what I was thinking of when I was processing these pictures.

 EE's mommy has a blog too...check it out here...she has more pictures of our visit posted.

 Here is a group shot from our trip to the Butterfly House...

And if you are looking for the pictures of H & L from the trip check out my Aunt's blog



These girls are 6 and 3 and have the most awesome place to play...horses, calves, fields, and ponds.  Does it get any better than that? 




We did get some great shots of the whole family, but all I can show is just this little peek. We'll save the best ones for the holiday cards. 



Big Sister...Jackie

Here are the pictures of the big sister that I promised.  Jackie was so sweet, I could've kept shooting all day. 



Yes, I am partial to this little brown dress.  ;)  This "big girl dress" is just as cute as the baby girl version. 




3 weeks old

Check out this sweet, sweet baby girl...

 3 weeks old...isn't she a dream?

Here's her big'll see more of her in the next post.




Little Girl + Baby Cow

This is a little preview from a photo session I had today...I will post more later.  The mom specifically asked for some pictures with their new calves.  I thought this was an awesome idea, until we actually tried to get the shot.  I really didn't think that I got ANY that would work, but I spotted this one as I was downloading my camera.  I love it!