There are many awesome photographers that I look to for inspiration and learning, and recently I had the opportunity to spend the day with one of them, Kelly Moore. I knew her only from her web presence, but its amazing how much you can know by stalking someone's blog or by keeping up on facebook. But, I have to tell you, even with my very high expectations, she far exceeded them in person. Yes, she's an amazing photographer, but she is also a great teacher.
My goals for the day were: (1) to learn about the part of photography that most don't see, that is, how to make it a successful business, and (2) to improve my own photography skills by seeing things in a different way. Kelly was so willing to share every aspect of her business and her style is so different than my own that I couldn't help but be inspired to try some new things.
Thanks Kelly for spending the day with me! And thanks to Brandi, her wonderful assistant that did all of the set-up work for our shoots, and to our beautiful model Keysha.
These are just a few of my favorite shots from the day...