Introducing Two Special Holiday Collections for 2008...

Modern Holiday Collection 


 Vintage Holiday Collection

Click on the cards to view more samples.


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Family Photography|South Haven, Michigan 

Now booking a limited number of family sessions for September/October in the South Haven area.



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Kelly Moore Bag!!!!!

Kelly Moore, a fabulous photographer based in Ruston, La, has just launched the website for her new BAG!!!!  I got to see it in person during my workshop in October.  She has put so much thought into making it the perfect photographer's bag, but it really could be used for anything (like say, a really awesome diaper bag!). 


I just pre-ordered mine....Merry Christmas to ME!!!!  :)



Display Ideas

I was having a hard time deciding how I wanted to display Hunter's 5-year pics...this is what I decided on.  I wish I would've thought of it sooner! 

These mounted prints are durable enough that he can take them off the shelf and play with the letters at will.  (Time to work on a set for Lily Kate...they'll be perfect for when she is learning to spell her name!)


Little Trooper

The short trail around the pond at Logoly is approx. one mile long.  This little guy walked *most* of it!




Good Sports...

Wow!  Its been a crazy holiday season, and I am reminded of how I was just getting started this time last year.  I am so thankful for all of the great families that I have photographed in the past year.  Its been a lot of work, no doubt, but its also been fun.  I've enjoyed getting to meet so many people! 

This Thanksgiving I will be taking a bit of a break to spend the day with my own family.  We'll cook and relax and just enjoy the day!  I'm soooo looking forward to it!  But don't worry, if you are waiting on proofs or have placed an order, I will be spending the rest of the weekend catching up.  I will be sending lots of emails with news of proofs posted, prints delivered and cards to preview.

Now, on to the pictures...I love clients that have a sense of humor (you'll know what I'm talking about at the bottom of this post, ha!)




It was very overcast on this day, even threatening to rain, but the sun showed up at just the right time.  I love the yummy light!

A few out-takes that I just couldn't resist including...pls don't hate me Tarrah! (You've gotta love a 3yo!!!)


This one is for all of the Mom's out there...we've all been there!



Beech Creek Farms

Wow, what a beautiful place!







 And, a beautiful family too!