Everyone Smiles When She Smiles
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 4:26AM
Janet Manuel in Magnolia Arkansas Family Photographer, Portraits - Families, Portraits - Kids & Babies

She's only 6 years old.

She knows words like cancer, inoperable, chemo, treatments, and brain stem...yet, she smiles.  She smiles so big and with all her heart and you just can't help but smile back.















Lexi has just started a more aggresive treatment plan to address the tumors in her brain.  Please keep her in your heart and in your prayers.  Lexi and her family are traveling back and forth to St. Jude's in Memphis for her treatments.  If you live in Magnolia, you have probably seen the donation cans scattered around town in most of the restaurants. They also have an account set up at BanCorp South.  They appreciate all of your prayers and donations! 

Article originally appeared on Janet Manuel Photo Blog (http://www.janetmanuel.com/).
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