Fading Fast...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 10:08PM
Janet Manuel in Hunter & Lily, Misc

My normally good attitude is fading fast!  We are on Day 5 of no water here at the Manuel house.  Our pipes froze on Saturday and now we are waiting for the BIG THAW.  Up until now, its been a bit of a challenge...flushing toilets with 5-gallon buckets, washing dishes with water heated on the stove, cooking with bottled water, etc.  But, without this crazy contraption that allows us to take hot showers, I probably would've lost it a long time ago...

Its not a pretty picture, but it works.  I haven't missed a shower...and the water is warm.  I totally take back all of eye-rolling that I did when the hubby purchased this *thing* for his hunting trips!  Its worth every penny!

Tomorrow is another day, and if our pipes haven't thawed out, I'll start collecting quarters for the laundry.

Article originally appeared on Janet Manuel Photo Blog (http://www.janetmanuel.com/).
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